Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do It Yourself Full Color Flyers In 7 Steps

((•)) Hear This Text

Let me show you how it can be done. Below is a list of seven steps that will help you create your own custom flyer. You can do all this steps on your own with little training. You just need some simple tools and a computer.

So let me get started with the first step.

1. Set your goal First things first, set your goal. You might think this is not necessary, but trust me, setting a goal will shape many of your decisions for its design and printing. Moreover, it should help make the process a lot easier since you already have a guiding objective. So set your goals precisely before you start anything else in flyer printing.

Do you want to sell something? Do you want people to go to your event? Do you want to inform them about an important issue? Do you want them to get a good impression about your company? Decide on these important questions and set your goal straight. This should be pivotal for your many decisions later on.

2. Write your content Next, once the goal is set, you should start writing your content. It is best to do this before your layout begins so that you can focus on the message more fully. Remember that it should be short, concise but detailed enough to be printed into a color poster. Make sure that you make a good and attractive headline plus some easy to read supporting content that helps you achieve your goal that you set earlier. Try to proofread your work to make this all perfect for the design. Of course, do not forget to type this up already in a word processor for easy use later.

3. Get promising images After writing your text, the next step is to get some images. Depending on your goal, you will want to get pictures of your products, concept images of your events, special symbols for your company etc. etc. You should always aim to get something impressive but unusual when it comes to your images. Take digital photographs, but creating your own graphics is also good, especially if you are good at doing it. Just make sure that you always get a high-resolution image or picture so that it can easily be inserted into a design layout without any difficulties.

4. Get flyer templates Afterward, you will need to get a template. Flyer templates should help you design faster and easier. Get these from flyer printing companies that have websites online. Lots of them offer these free.

5. Start your design Now, it is time to start your designs. Just load your template in the appropriate program and then insert your image and text content into the layout. This step would depend on your creativity, but make sure you balance both text and image elements out so that one does not overpower the other. Choose your background colors and fonts wisely so that they do not clash.

6. Test your design Once you are done with your initial draft you should not send it yet to the flyer printer. First, test your designs out on a sample audience. Get your friends and family some draft copies of your draft color flyer and see how they react to it. If you can, try also to have some random people to look at your flyers to get their feedback. Based from those reactions, try to alter and enhance your flyers to make them more effective at achieving your goals.

7. Print your design Finally, you can now print. Try to choose a printing company that is affordable and produces good quality prints. A good place to start looking is the Internet because there are hundreds of online printing companies there. Just compare all the choices you have and see who is the cheapest with the best quality prints.

Once you have chosen the right one, place your order, choose printing options and you will be done with flyer printing. You will just have to wait for the finished products to be delivered.


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