Monday, May 16, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight ,For That Flawless Skin

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It is true treating pimples needs both patience and persistence, but sometimes time is the thing you are short of You desperately need them off your face at any cost; the world seems almost cruel otherwise. You almost feel like tearing your hair out thinking of overnight and it is for situations like these that there are over the counter drugs and ointments.

There are rules you have to follow to make it work out right. There are Dos and Do nots and always remember some things are better left alone, messing with them is not advisable. For example, if you think the easiest way out of your ordeal would be to pop your zits, you are definitely wrong.

Most of the time, overnight are just an overblown phrase because an overnight cure for pimples is almost impossible to devise without a change in your lifestyle. Especially if you are used to having a stressful life and you have a biased diet. Try to make it a balanced one including food that would also make it into a cleansing diet. Talking of cleansing, there is no substitute for water, thus make drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day a part of your daily routine.

Tips for overnight cure
Some home remedies however can rid you of pimples sometimes overnight and even if not overnight by not more than half a day.

You could use the white of an egg to dab on your pimple. Once left on for around 20 minutes it usually helps and dries up the pimple. Another unique method would be to apply toothpaste; preferably not the gel type on the pimple and it has the same effect.

Cleaning the skin is an essential part of curing pimples and the cleaning needs special care when you need to cure pimples overnight. If you your face with a soap enriched with aloe vera it can help you immensely. You could also try cleaning your skin with apple cider vinegar, or a more simple remedy would be to clean it with lemon juice.

Before you start any pimple remedy, you must be sure that the acne is not caused due to an allergic reaction to any food or cosmetics. The cure could otherwise have an adverse effect on the acne.

Your skin is unique and different from everyone else's and therefore you should remember that what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. Therefore, it would be advisable if you try out the different methods beforehand to know which one suits you.

You could also pay your family physician a visit, who might just recommend you to a dermatologist. the doctor and the dermatologist might have ideas that would truly rid you of that pimple overnight.


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