Elizabeth Warren is currently underway to Ted Kennedy, former Senate seat. If the first week of his campaign is any indication, this could end up being the most interesting race of the Senate in the country next year, and certainly the most positive of the Democratic Party to see. It has always been a difficult race because the incumbent Scott Brown is generally appreciated by the voters of Massachusetts (although it is a Republican), and Warren has never run for public office before in his life. So far, though it appears to be high. Of course, it's still very early in the race, then forms sweeping predictions or conclusions are not possible at this time. However, it was very good the first one week for Elizabeth Warren.
Only a statewide poll has been out since its announcement, and its popularity shows doping dramatically. Before the announcement, three polls show his 9 to 19 points behind Brown. The PPP poll shows Brown has launched the 46-44 percent rate. It's a big bump in a short period, but it's just a survey - so we'll have to wait for additional information before drawing firm conclusions. His rise in support may be just a first peak after his announcement that he has entered the race, and could quickly disappear. Even with these caveats, the numbers look better without doubt now that many predicted Warren, even a few weeks ago.
Elizabeth Warren is a polarizing figure. Liberals love with a fierce passion. Republicans hate her with a burning passion. What this means is that lots and lots of money from outside the state will be pumped into this race. The reason the Democrats will see this race more than any other Senate race next year, is easy to see: It may be the only state that the Democrats have a good chance to pick up a Republican seat. The math is not good for the Democrats, this time in the Senate, and they are in danger of losing control of the chamber next year. Warren may be the only positive in this environment for the Democrats.
One of the videos, Warren is already campaigning rounds among left-handers. The Washington Monthly, and video and the grip on his recent response to critics of Obama's plans to raise taxes a bit of the richest Americans':
I hear everything, you know, "Well, that class struggle is what they want." No, there is nobody in this country that got rich on their own. Person. You have built a factory there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you move your goods to market on the road the rest of us paid and you have hired workers rest of us paid for the training, you were sure of your work, because of police and fire forces the rest of us paid. You do not have to worry that bands of marauders came capture all of your plant, and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us. See now you have built a factory and turned it into something amazing, or a good idea? God bless you. Keep a big part of it. But part of the social contract underlying is that you take a piece of this and pay up to the boy next door who comes.
This is pure political genius. The Democrats are known for not being able to do what Warren has just proved perfectly able to: explain the problem in plain language that resonates with citizens. Telling a story. Creating a narrative. I particularly like the bit of "gangs of looters," because it shows how stupid the whole concept of "class struggle" is actually, in this day and age. Using the term "war" for non-violent political debate tax policy is just so completely inflated (and disrespectful to American troops, who are currently in the middle of a war live) - at least until the armed gangs pitchforks and torches occurs throughout the country. This is why Warren slipped the concept of "gangs of looters" to him until the opposition is so great.
Elizabeth Warren campaign, helped by the timing of Obama ads in Employment Act and the U.S. deficit reduction plan. Warren has always been a voice for populism true, and Obama push the issue to the fore underlining the former champion Warren "weak". Obama has apparently decided to focus all of his reelection campaign on the theme of the millionaire tax, which will continue to strengthen the position of Warren in his own race.
Elizabeth Warren was never a caricature of Republicans worked hard to paint. The conservatives saw him as a kind of anti-business, a demon that had to be stopped before he forced Wall Street banks (gasp) to explain their financial products without the four pages of fine print type pm. When you put it this way, really shows the disconnect between what Warren really means and how his opponents are Republicans trying to stigmatize him. Warren has struggled to consumers all the time - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was his idea in general. If the Republicans realize it or not, most voters are, in fact, these same consumers. This, as I said (a long time, earlier this week), is the true face of populism.
Of course, Warren could be an issue during the campaign. It's just one week after all. She never fought for anything, but he's no stranger to speaking in front of people. The Republicans have been defined as "Professor Warren," in the hope that Massachusetts voters are blue collar intimidated by a professor at Harvard. However, Warren not only seems at ease talking to people, shows the ability to present their ideas and their positions so that voters can easily understand. This sounds like an easy thing to do, but some politicians (mostly Democrats) does not seem to be quite the hang of how to do this effectively. Warren has spent the last year talking to Wall Street moguls, and answer tough questions before Congress. Imagining your convenience to discuss questions or voters Scott Brown is a piece of cake, after seeing her being questioned by the Republicans in Congress who were determined to destroy it.
If it continues to display this talent under the question correctly, Warren / Brown races be the one who receives the most attention out of the presidential race next year.
The problem of populism can win a campaign and Democrats, but in recent decades, it was only an (almost) theoretical statement - why so few Democrats have never tried to drive (especially at national level). This has been tested, both in Massachusetts and take the White House. In fact, Warren is so well so quickly, that Barack Obama is a clear day on your calendar next week, and up to a campaign event in Warren, Massachusetts. The two together would do well with huge apparatus, and other shows such as the Democrats ride Obama's populist themes were raised. Populism can not win the Democrats the issue, if properly managed. Elizabeth Warren is certainly doing his best to set a good example of this.

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