Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Treat Your Hemorrhoids Naturally

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One of these natural cure-alls is apple cider vinegar. To treat hemorrhoids, just put some straight apple cider vinegar onto a cotton ball and swab onto the affected area as needed until the swelling and pain is gone. This may burn, but the pain should go away quickly. If the pain is too much for you, try diluting the vinegar with water before you apply it. It's also a good idea to mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink daily. This will help with many conditions and keep you in good health.

You can put the mangosteen juice on a cotton ball and apply directly to the area for relief. Just like apple cider vinegar, this juice is a great product to drink every day for good overall health.

Another great idea is to swab the area with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel. After this, you should then apply a small amount of coconut oil. Both these treatments can be found at health food stores. If you can only find one, they work separately, but work even better together.

While many treatments will take away the itching, this will also help the swelling go down; further easing your pain and discomfort. You can also use this opportunity to soothe your pain with aromatherapy by adding 20 drops of lavender and juniper oil to the bath. Along with easing swelling and pain, a hot bath can also relax you and help you feel better overall. If the heat doesn't help the swelling go down, you may also want to try applying a cold compress. Just be use to wrap the ice pack in a towel so it's not too cold; otherwise you could cause damage and more pain.

This includes tight fitting clothes. Tight clothes, particularly jeans can rub and pinch making pain greater. You should wear loose fitting clothes and thin cotton underwear that helps the area breathe. This may sound strange, but men may want to try wearing women's underwear (boy shorts are best) because they fit and breathe better than those made for men.

The most important thing is to eat a lot of fiber. This can be annoying, but probably not as annoying and the pain and itching of hemorrhoids. The best way to get fiber is through fresh fruits and vegetables whole grains, beans, and of course, bran. You should try to get 30 grams or more of fiber a day.


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