Friday, September 23, 2011

Mundane Neutrino Explanations

((•)) Hear This Text

Today I had the most fun I've had on Twitter, thanks to the work of the OPERA experiment at CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider.

The blogosphere is on fire news, which appear to reveal the neutrinos traveling faster than light. If this is true, the news would be the most important science of the century, the fall of one of the key concepts of physics. There is clearly a lot of skepticism among scientists. Generally insightful explanations, see astronomer Phil Plait of Bad post: light travels faster than has been discovered? Slow down, people

Twitter is fun began when the two discussed a physical / mathematical types, Blake Stacey (@ blakestacey) and SC Kavassalis (@ sc_k) led to Blake and tweets:

@ Sc_k Perhaps we need to compensate with a meme blogohedron HEP ​​Twitter? For example: # mundaneneutrinoexplanations

Then he turned a little more mundane explanations fun for the unusual step of neutrinos:

Physicists at CERN # Pentium arithmetic ex

Physicists at CERN # undergraduate students about the experience

Calculations by the visit of Americans still do not have the metric system.

... All mundaneneutrinoexplanations # hashtag attached.

I think I was the first to follow:

Forgot to achieve a

A mixed neutrino will be sent later

A study published by Wakefield et al

Then, @ drskyskull physicsdavid and others involved, and before you know, the Twitterverse was full of strange explanations, some of which are more likely to superluminous neutrinos. Finally spit about 25 of them here, as they sing in reverse chronological order (ie, start at the bottom). Enjoy!


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