Political. John Richard "Rick" Santorum was born May 10, 1958, in Winchester, Virginia, the second of three children. His father, an immigrant Italian Aldo, is a psychologist, and his mother, Kay, is a nurse. The family was Catholic and attend church regularly, although later Rick described the practice of their parents as religious intensity of most of conscience. Both Kay and Aldo Santorum worked for the Veterans Administration, Rick Santorum greatest growth in the suburbs on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but graduated from high school in Illinois. He then attended Pennsylvania State University, Tau Epsilon Phi promised where fraternity and earned a BA in Political Science in 1980. Followed with an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981.

In 1990, 32 years old, Rick Santorum is running for political office for the first time long-shot candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Congressional District 18, representing the outskirts of Pittsburgh, where he was raised. Surprising political experts, Santorum won the election, beating seven-term Democrat Doug Walgren outside the office. Particularly effective in this first campaign were the costs Walgren Santorum had lost touch with their constituents by spending too much time in Washington and not enough in your district. As a first year member of Congress, Santorum has become a part of the "Gang of Seven" new GOP lawmakers (as well as the home of future President John Boehner), the group made its reputation by attacking ferociously Corruption in the Democratic-controlled House, focusing particularly on the House banking scandal and the scandal Post by Congress.
Considered a rising star in the Republican Party, Santorum sought from more senior positions and won election to the U.S. Senate in 1994 at the age of only 36 years, again hitting a long history tenured Democrat in the general election . Six years later, Santorum won reelection to a second term and became chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, the third highest ranking post of party leadership in the Senate. An intelligent politician and lively partisan, Santorum became famous for his frank and aggressive style in the Congress, described as "confrontational, partisan" in your face "style of politics and government."

Santorum has attracted attention beyond the borders of his district in Pennsylvania for his vigorous defense of socially conservative views. "I'm in the front on many issues of importance to people of faith," he said. A conservative Catholic, Santorum has become one of the voices of Washington's most important traditionalist in matters such as abortion, sexual morality, evolution and euthanasia. He introduced legislation that aims to give President George W. Bush, No Child Left Behind education law to teach "intelligent design" as an alternative to Darwinian evolution in science classes. He tried to prevent the husband of a woman with brain damage in the removal of Terri Schiavo in Florida called life support. And it has taken unconditionally pro-life positions of all the debates about abortion.
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