Atlanta - Once the application is dismissed, Troy Davis was not much to do Tuesday, but expect to perform the murder, he insists he did not commit.
He lost his chance to avoid the most realistic lethal injection Tuesday at the Georgia pardons board rejected his appeal for clemency. As his scheduled execution Wednesday 7:00 approached, his followers resorted to outlandish action. They called on prison officials to make him take a polygraph test, called on workers to strike in prison or call the patient, asked prosecutors to block the execution and they are even regarded as a desperate appeal to the intervention the White House.

Davis' lawyers say he was convicted on flawed evidence, which is more or less the witnesses recanted, but the prosecutors and the MacPhail family members say they doubt the right man to be punished.
"Justice was finally my father," said Mark MacPhail Jr., who was a child when his father was killed. "The truth has finally been heard."
As lawyers deposits Davis is considered a call, his supporters planned vigils and demonstrations around the world. About 1 million have signed a petition calling for clemency, according to Amnesty International.
"We prayed about it and with God on our side, anything can happen," Correia DEJAUNE-Davis, 17, the man convicted, nephew, at a gathering of hundreds at the Georgia Capitol on Tuesday night. "Whether a case that focuses not only on the death penalty, but we hope to be much to get him to the termination."
Later Tuesday, Davis, the lawyer, Stephen Marsh told The Associated Press that he had asked for state prison officials, and we apologize for the government to allow Davis to take the polygraph test.
Marsh expects the Commission will agree Forgiveness consider the results of the test. The machines are not reliable measures of guilt, but "you can say something about the innocence," he said.
A prison spokesman said she was unaware of the request and Pardons Board did not immediately respond.
Georgia Davis, originally performed in July 2007, but forgive the government granted him a stay of less than 24 hours before she was to die. U.S. Supreme Court a year later and stopped by lethal injection in just two hours before he was to be executed. And a federal appeals court has suspended the second round scheduled for a few months later.
This time, state officials are confident that lethal injection is made. Governor of Georgia has no power to grant pardon condemned prisoners. Davis' supporters asking Chatham County District Attorney Larry Chisolm prevent the implementation. But the prosecutor said in a statement Tuesday is the power to cancel the execution of Davis, granted by the judge of the Superior Court of the State.
"We appreciate the outpouring of interest in this case, but this thing is beyond our control," said Chisolm.
Spencer Lawton, the prosecutor who convicted Davis in 1991, says he has no doubt he's guilty.
"What we have done the appearance of the doubt, which has the status of legitimate self-doubt. And it's all beautifully unfair," said Lawton.
MacPhail was killed August 19, 1989, after coming to the aid of Larry Young, a homeless man who mounted gun in the parking lot of Burger King. Prosecutors said Davis was with another man who was demanding that Young gives a beer when Davis pulled a gun and hit the youth with her. When MacPhail arrived to help, prosecutors said Davis had a smile on his face when the officer shot him to death.
Witnesses placed Davis at the crime scene and identified him as the murderer. Plugs were linked to one hour before the shooting that Davis was convicted. There were no other physical evidence. No blood or DNA linked Davis to the crime and the weapon was never located.
Davis' lawyers say seven of nine key witnesses who testified in his trial is denied all or part of the testimony.
Lindsay Glover, who did not testify at the first trial, one witness said that he did not deny that he was told he was the real shooter. This man, who was with Davis that night, could not be reached for comment Monday and Tuesday and did not answer the door this week when a reporter visited.
"Justice must be served, but must be used for human rights," said Glover, who invited the Board of Pardons to grant clemency Monday. "There is no evidence against this young man."
As the groups highlighted the case, an increasing number of personalities involved. A crowd of conservative figures are among those who pleaded for him, including former U.S. Rep. Bob Barr, former Justice official Larry Thompson and a time of FBI Director William Sessions.
Their concerns have helped push the US Supreme Court to give Davis a hearing to Savannah to prove his innocence, an almost unprecedented step. Two witnesses at the hearing in June 2010 testified that the wrong defendants in the trial of Davis, and two others told the judge that the man with Davis that night later said he shot MacPhail.
Prosecutors, however, said the lawyers were simply rehashing old Davis evidence that had already been rejected by a jury. And they said no trial court would never consider hearsay evidence, other witnesses who have accused the other man for the crime.
U.S. District Judge William T. Moore Jr. has rejected the request of prosecutors and Davis' for a new trial. He said that even if the "new evidence throws some 'new, little doubt about his conviction, is mostly smoke and mirrors."
On Tuesday, Davis was using his last hour quiet with friends, family and supporters, said Wende Gozan Brown, a staff member of Amnesty International visited her.
"He said he is in a good mood, he prays, and he is at peace. But he said he would not stop fighting before he took his last breath. And he said the Georgia is about to suffocate the life of an innocent man, "she said.
His supporters are exploring other options. State Sen. Vincent Fort appeal to all but a skeleton staff, prison staff to strike on Wednesday.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said it was considering asking Barack Obama to intervene, a move that legal experts considered highly unlikely.
MacPhail family, who urged the Board of thanks, Monday to reject the offer of clemency Davis, said that its implementation will bring peace.
"This is what we wanted, and this is what we have," said MacPhail's mother, Anneliese MacPhail. "We wanted to call it quits, and he must have his punishment."
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